Even the most fervent fans of Glock pistols might be taken aback by their blocky look. But they go bang when you want them to and keep on working as long as you do your part. And they’re supported by a massive aftermarket for everything from sights to holsters. That’s why so many armed professionals swear by them.
Glock’s pistol frame and magazine body are made of a super strong polymer that Gaston Glock invented himself, called Polymer 2. It’s more resilient than steel alloys and resistant to shock, caustic liquids, and temperature extremes that would warm and weaken traditional metal frames. It’s also tested to take a beating in the most hostile environments on Earth.
Glock pistols have a slimmer profile than other full-size handguns, making them easier to conceal with clothing and in appendix or inside-the-waistband (IWB) carry positions. They can even accommodate red-dot optics on some models.
The striker-action system on Glock 19 pistols eliminates the heavy trigger found on traditional handguns. The trigger presses against a half-cocked striker to release the sear and fire a round. This makes them easier to shoot and control, especially when your hands are wet from sweat, blood, or rain.
The Glock 19 has enjoyed a level of popularity and ubiquity that few handguns have, mainly due to its combination of size and capacity, handling, and shootability. The flat shape of the pistol makes it easier to point naturally, while the striker-fired trigger delivers a light and relatively crisp trigger pull that is easily manageable in extended strings of fire.
The latest generation, Gen 5, is also a good choice for concealed carry because it has a shortened slide and grip while maintaining capacity. It was originally developed as a service pistol for government agencies that required concealable firearms, such as plainclothes police officers and military personnel who operate in low-visibility capacities.
The Glock 19 is also very customizable, allowing users to customize their weapon for their own personal preferences or duty requirements. However, modifying the pistol requires careful consideration and training to ensure that it is done properly (Caveat: It’s not recommended to alter the components of a deadly weapon). There are many aftermarket accessories available to improve the functionality of the Glock 19. These include night sights, tactical lights, and laser sights.
When Gaston Glock formed his manufacturing company at the dawn of the 1980s, he didn’t have a background in firearm design. But he did know advanced polymer manufacturing. So when the Austrian military began looking for a modern pistol, he assembled a team of handgun experts to create a gun that would meet their requirements.
The result was the Glock 19.
While it has earned a reputation as a plastic gun, the Glock 19 is actually quite rugged and reliable. Its frame and magazine body are made from a super strong polymer that’s more resilient than steel alloys, making it resistant to shock, caustic liquids, and temperature extremes that would warm and weaken steel frames.
The Glock 19 also features internal safeties to help prevent accidental discharges. The trigger blade safety disengages when you pull the trigger, and the drop safety releases when the trigger bar moves up to the safety ramp and a plunger pushes the firing pin safety out of the way.
The Bottom Lines
Glock pistols are designed to be long-lasting. They are made from a proprietary polymer that Gaston Glock invented, called Polymer 2. It is super strong, resists shock and caustic liquids, and can withstand temperature extremes that would warm or brittle steel alloys. The fact that Glock pistols are so durable makes them a great choice for law enforcement and military applications where guns must be subjected to rough handling and constant exposure to the elements.
The Glock 19 is also an affordable handgun that has a decent trigger and a fairly light recoil. It is a good choice for those looking to upgrade from rimfire or revolver handguns, as well as for people who want to purchase a second gun to carry in their home defense plan.
The Glock 49, pictured in Larry Vickers photograph, is a Gen 5 firearm that combines a shorter Glock 17 grip frame with the Glock 19 slide. However, it has not yet been marketed to the general public.